Two Hour Encore Tour see Encore Experiences to book   

Watch Hill, Rhode Island is a beautiful place! Few have the opportunity to explore it's coves, river, bay and sound. Join Capt. Jack for a  tour of Watch Hill, Stonington, Noank ,CT and Ram Island, Ct., Fishers Island and North Dumpling Islands, NY.

Cottages of Watch Hill, Fishers ISland, Stonongton:



They are called cottages but most people refer to them as mansions with great names such as "White Caps", "Hoverness", "Geranium Pt","Trespasso", Blythebourne". These beautiful properties in most cases can only be seen from the sea.






Watch Hill and Fishers Island Sound is know for shipwrecks due to the numerous reefs and rock outcropings. That is why we have nine active and inactive lighthouses plus two decomissined lifesaving stations, one decomissioned coast guard station and one active coast guard station between the Thames River and Watch Hill point! The early history of the region is closely linked to the development of these navagational aides and lifesaving stations. Before lighthouses there were lightships anchored here. Before lightships there were private spindels. Capt. Jack will bring these unique structures to life with stories from the light keepers to ship captain's that worked there way through the sound. These stone structures perilously placed in the most inhospitable environment, having survived hurricanes and age while being witness to the birth of our nation, contributed greatly in our economic development through trade, whaling, sealing, fishing and transportation.



The sea surrounding Watch Hill is part of the North American flyway. Each spring and fall we experience an amazing variety of migratory birds from as far away as the Arctic and Argentina! Eagles, Terns, Plovers, Oyster Catchers, Brants, Herons, Petrals, Ospreys, Owls, on and on! If you love birds you are in for a real treat.


Our waters are full of creatures large and small; Stripers, Tuna, Seals, porposies an ocassional whale and shark.


In May and June on the full moon, horseshoe crabs come ashore to reproduce.


We offer Harbor Seal Tours April, May June, September, October and November. These tours include some of the lighthouses, cottages and general tour.